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9 2 ;"PRESS A KEY" 2 1987 S.A.E.C. 2 2 1 written by Graeme Yeandle. 1 when you meet the magic boot, e.g. East, North, East, North, etc. 1 the sort of articles that YOU want to see in the magazine. 1 return your good words Windbag (for that is his name between friends) and say ta very much. 1 o)oAoRojolo 1 green or orange form. Also give form. Get red ticket, get green ticket. Repeat above getting the other coloured forms you didnot get before. The above applies to alternating between the two counters. 1 g)gNgegrg{g 1 Z$=" " 1 Why do people play PBM games? 1 Why are they called PBM games? 1 What does it cost? 1 WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO MR MIKE SINGLETON!!! 1 Version C02 1 UDG's at 27356 1 To get the statuette go to the stone chair, throw net, build cage (you need the rope and the wood). Use cage, go south to theruined temple and drop the box. 1 To get the lance:- Get red ticket, get green ticket, give red ticket, get red or yellow form. Give green ticket, get 1 To get past the crushing rocks you will need to be carrying thescroll and statuette. 1 TEXT )N 1 Red herrings:- 1 Press any key for the Main Menu 1 ON PBM GAMES 1 ODDS & ENDS 1 Note: Enter by 3 and leave by 4. 1 LOADER 1 K$=" 1 Jason Roseaman,56 Redlie Close, Stanford le Hope, Essex. SS17 8BB.Al 1 JASON ROSEAMAN 1 JASON AND THE FLEECE 1 In the library:- Insert mempak, examine viewer. This gives you acode which is different every time you play. 1 In order to find out what our readers think of the magazine wewill be sending questionnaires to all subscribers next month. The information you provide us with will help us to give you 1 I have noticed in my short time here that many people use the mag to voice their quibbles and moans in life. Well, I would like to put forward one of my top moans at the moment. 1 How does a game end? 1 How are PBM games run? 1 HINTS ON JASON AND THE FLEECE 1 Get red ticket, give red ticket and form, get lance. 1 EqnkHqnlOqo 1 E$=" 1 Drop the rat at the base of the statue at the top of the cliffs. 1 Do not drop objects on the ship.The crew will steal them. 1 DRAGONSLAYER 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 CODE 1 C$="Well, for this month, it's my complete guide for all you FinalMission players on the Spectrum." 1 C$="We look at Savage Island, a two part Scott Adams adventure from Tynesoft and we'll tell you how to get both parts for the price of one!" 1 C$="We have lots of hints, tips and solutions for you from the quills of our intrepid adventurespecialists." 1 C$="There is a great adventure for you to play." 1 C$="The Dragonslayer speaks...." 1 C$="Jason Roseaman,56 Redlie Close, Stanford le Hope, Essex. SS17 8BB." 1 C$="HINTS ON JASON AND THE FLEECE AND SNOWBALL" 1 C$=" All this and lots more in the next issue of Spectrum Adventurer." 1 C$=" Till next time.... Dragonslayer." 1 Before I forget, let me say a big hello to my old mate John ""Old Coot"" Wilson who so kindly welcomed me into this mag last month in his ""Bird Chat"". Let me 1 Armadillosoft, the producers of Station 9 Zero, reviewed on side1, are working on a graphic adventure which will require theuse of a microdrive or Opus discdrive. A tape version will be available with simpler graphics and text. As yet there is no release date. 1 Ap! Np!*Wp!*fp" op"*xp#$ 1 And last but not least here is the Dragonslayer's Top 5 help- line games, (I might add that I was first and the Balrog was theone to follow...). 1 All he seems to do these days isto produce half finished games before going on to the next project. Where are those long overdue games - Eye of the Moon,Dark Sceptre and Thrones of Fire. And will Star Trek have the same fate joining the list of unfinished games? 1 Adventure X 1 Accompanying the utility will bea GAC handbook explaining all the things even the official Advanced User Guide leave out. Watch out for more details. 1 ;"STOP THE TAPE": 1 ;"P-00{00} TAPE 12 1 ;"MacGregor": 1 ;"MAY 1987" 1 ;"IS LOADING": 1 ;" ": 1 5) MINDSHADOW 1 +d3d:dAdJdVdbdidpdwd~d 1 (9) Slime monster - Block 1 inchgap under door with straw. The appearance of the slime monster is always triggered by entering the room where you hear the splattering sound. When you hearthis go west and up into a hole and wait until you hear the splintering sound. Now drop the soap. 1 (8) Delphia - Drop garlic to stop her appearing later on in the game. 1 (7) Dagger - Examine chair to get the dagger. 1 (6) Key - Go east of junction and remove panel to get the key. 1 (5) Trapdoor - Opened by boot. 1 (4) Magic boot - When you see itmove south to get soap, then go north. Start a zigzag pattern of movement east, north, east, north, etc, till you reach the trapdoor. 1 (3) En monster - This creature is of litle use. If you say zig-zag to it it should reply ""enen-enen"". The en monster is tell- ing you which directions to take 1 (22) 100% - To achieve this you must journey past smelly lakes to get a parchment blown into your hand. This will tell you ofthe power of the pendants. Now go east 15 times and south 15 times and retrace your way back. 1 (21) Throne - Insert handle to be able to travel south. 1 (20) Demon - Before entering thethrone room, insert Edgar into the pendant and wear it. 1 (2) Cell 2 - Drop ring in room with hole. 1 (19) Wart king - Show carving toget past him. 1 (18) Statue - Remove rubies and insert emeralds. 1 (17) Chest - Use the crowbar to open it. 1 (16) Sacrificial hole - Drop theacorn to get rid of the spider then spray aerosol and go down. 1 (15) Lava pit - Use fishing rod to get potion. 1 (14) Guardians:- 1 (13) Arrows - When fired their effect is random, thus it is very much possible to avoid being hit at all by constant saving. 1 (12) Mad monk - Flee south at the first chance you get. 1 (11) Door 2 - Use the key. 1 (10) Door 1 - Broken by monster. 1 (1) Cell 1 - Drop chair next to door and climb on chair. Smash window and go through window. 1 '"you get the full flavour of PBM'ing." 1 '"players is found. Or, the game could be run on a points system, the winner being the person with the highest score when the game finishes on a set date, or if a player reaches a secret score set by the GM. The game can also be brought to an abruptend by a corrupt computer disc, uneconomical continuance or justplain boredom. However these incidents are rare." 1 '"of those commands. Sometimes theprocessing is done by a computeror by both micro and GM. This can make quite an impact on the feel of the game, e.g. if a" 1 '"much more scope and the only limitation is your imagination. What I am saying is that there are not many computer games thatwill enable you to be exploring underneath a planet one minute and trading with space pilots inthe next. Now if that doesn't spark a few ideas in your brain then PBM games are probably not for you." 1 '"be anywhere between `2.00 and `10.00, sometimes more and in the region of `1.00 to `2.00 perturn thereafter. It can be expensive but if you don't go mad you can keep within your ownspending budget and still have great fun playing." 1 '"Usually the game is finished when a victor over the other" 1 '"They can let their imaginations run wild and do things they could never do in real life. Thesame reasons apply to computer games but in PBM games you have" 1 '"There is usually a set price forjoining a PBM game which often includes a rule book, a map and sometimes a few free turns. You can then have as many turns as you wish. A start up price can" 1 '"The shield is helpful to pass the Medusa, after ""cleaning"" it." 1 '"The Essential Myth are working on a utility for the GAC called THE GACPAC. Amongst other thingsit will allow you to design new character sets, reclaim memory wasted by the GAC and so speed up the response time. It will also contain an Extractor which" 1 '"PBM stands for Play By Mail. It is a multi-player game in which players send their instructions by mail to the Game Masters who sort out what will happen to your character and the game as awhole. The GM will send you a description of results, you thensend in more commands, and the whole process starts again." 1 '"I'd like to hear your views on PBM. I'm willing to answer any questions you may have or delve into any difficulty you may havehad with a PBM company. Also if you are already playing a game, please send in your comments or tips. Write to:-" 1 '"Hello there and welcome to a brand new column all about Play By Mail games. In the future we shall be taking a look at some products from one of the fastestgrowing hobbies since the adventof the computer." 1 '"Ask for help. This is useful when talking to characters. Alsosay hello." 1 '"A PBM game has at least one Game Master, usually more. The GM's are the ones who process the players commands and work out what will happen as a result" 1 & SNOWBALL 1 "will enable you to edit runnableadventures." 1 "space trading game was being runjust by GM's it would make the game less fun if the turn reports were handwritten when a computer printout could have given the game that space age look." 1 "s0sEsRs\sksss}s 1 " First of all I would like to explain a little about what PBM games are. It may take a couple of readings before you catch my drift and you really need to have played a PBM game before" 1 !v`6\#6Y##6 1 the database Editor or of the 1 copying, hiring or lending of 1 Manual is strictly prohibited. 1 HINTS ON FINAL 1 1987 S.A.E.C." 1 1983 GILSOFT. Unauthorised 1 Large brick 1 Black cape 1 The Quill Adventure System 1 Guardian 1 - Say 0,2,6,9. Guardian 2 - Red Herring Guardian 3 - Say Anagram Guardian 4 - Say Ga Guardian 5 - Say Tle 1 4) KAYLETH 1 3) VERA CRUZ 1 1) COLOUR OF MAGIC 1 RESET YOUR COMPUTER AND LOAD"""" FOR THE DR GOO ADVENTURE 1 Z 1 R! 1 " 1 Bp 1 1